Healthy Living Plan

Why a Healthy Living Plan?

Following the 5-2-1-0 recommendations has the potential to greatly improve your health!  Growing evidence suggests that adhering to these eating and activity guidelines can stop overweight and chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

The Healthy Living Plan works for you in two ways. It is simple to fill out. The form will show you where you are with each of the 5-2-1-0 recommendations. And then it will help you to set goals for small changes in your lifestyle that can reap big dividends in your physical and mental health.

The plan costs you nothing, and is as confidential as you want it to be. 

An LMHC 5210 lifestyle coach is available to reach out to you with advice and resources to help you obtain your goals. If you would like a free consultation, please free to leave your name and email at the bottom of the form.

Basic Information

Please select the amount that matches the 5-2-1-0 recommendations.

Progress on Goal - Complete ONLY if you have done a Healthy Living Plan before


Exercise and Physical Activity

Other Habits

Do I have a TV in the room where I sleep?*

I will try at least one 5-2-1-0 goal.

Please choose no more than 3 goals.

How confident am I to accomplish my goal?*

Additional Information

You may fill in these fields if you'd like to be contacted by a LMHC 5210 Lifestyle Coach for a free consultation.